Signature Leadership by Knowledgehook

Signature Leadership by Knowledgehook is a collection of professional learning opportunities, tools, and resources designed to keep senior leaders in education up-to-date with the latest global trends in their profession. To meet the needs of superintendents, directors of education, and other senior leaders, we have assembled a team of experts with a wealth of hands-on experience in these same positions and the theoretical knowledge necessary to deliver impactful macro-level change to educational institutions. Our experts include former superintendents, former directors of education, past presidents of educational associations, and other thought leaders in education, business, and academia.

Knowledgehook created the Signature Leadership Series because we recognize that education is a collective effort at all levels. Students help one another with their school work and teachers share their best teaching strategies with other teachers. Education’s senior leaders need similar lines of communication to give their schools, districts, and institutions the support they need. Each program in the series offers the opportunity to hear from or talk with experts shaping the future of education.